
Are you in the right place?

Imagine this: You're around 50, and suddenly it hits you,

I really hope I can retire comfortably someday.

That's when you wake up, possibly panic a little, and then reach out to a financial advisor.

Hopefully, me.

How I work with you

The process is simple.

First, we quantify your goals and create a plan.

Next, we fund the plan with a lifetime investment portfolio.

From there, I coach you to tune out the noise and continue working the plan through your remaining working years and into retirement.

Everything else is details I help you think through along the way.

Who's A Fit?

There is one type of client with whom I do my best work:

Hospital Executives

I'm talking about the dedicated men and women who steer hospitals and health systems across our nation. And their families.

If that's you, keep on reading.

To be an ideal client, you should meet the following criteria:

  1. You are investing for retirement, whether you're 45 or 65.
  2. You have wealth to manage. While I’ll work with anyone I respect, my typical clients have (or will soon have) investable assets ranging from $1-5 million.
  3. You've read this far and find yourself thinking, "I like this guy’s style.”
  4. You recognize the value of partnering with a financial advisor.

Currently, I'm looking to take on 15-20 more clients.

P.S. If you're in my neck of the woods and seeking an advisor, I'd love to chat. Although my client profile is quite specific, I'm open to making exceptions for the right fit. If we're not a match, I'll gladly point you in the right direction.

--John Montgomery